Risultati sintetici Catalogo Polo SBN Biblioteche della provincia di Catania Ricerca: Collezione = MOD0206337 Risultati: 31-40 di (56) 31. 2: Fa parte di: ˆThe ‰plays and sonnets of William Shakespeare / edited by William George Clarke and William Aldis Wright Monografia - Testo a stampa [RAV0153112] 32. Herodotus The history of Herodotus . The history of the Peloponnesian war / Thucydides Chicago : Encyclopaedia britannica, c1952 Monografia - Testo a stampa [RAV0153230] 33. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel : de The history of Don Quixote de la Mancha / by Miguel de Cervantes ; translated by John Ormbsy Chicago \etc.! : Encyclopaedia britannica, c1952 Monografia - Testo a stampa [RAV0152838] 34. Gilbert, William <1544-1603> On the loadstone and magnetic bodies / by William Gilbert . Concerning the two new sciences / by Galileo Galilei . On the motion of the heart and blood in animals. On the circulation of the blood. On the generation of animals / by WilliamHarvey Chicago \etc.! : Encyclopaedia britannica, c1952 Monografia - Testo a stampa [RAV0152879] 35. Plotinus The six enneads / Plotinus ; translated by Stephen MacKenna and B.S. Page Chicago \etc.! : Encyclopaedia britannica, stampa 1952 Monografia - Testo a stampa [RAV0153316] 36. Boswell, James Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D. / by James Boswell Chicago : Encyclopaedia britannica, c1952 Monografia - Testo a stampa [RAV0153671] 37. Milton, John <1608-1674> English minor poems ; Paradise lost ; Samson Agonistes ; Areopagitica / by John Milton Chicago \etc.! : Encyclopaedia britannica, c1952 Monografia - Testo a stampa [RAV0152814] 38. Descartes, René Rules for the direction of the mind ; Discourse on the method ; Meditations on first philosophy ; Objections against the meditations and replies ; The geometry / by Rene Descartes . Ethics / by Benedict De Spinoza Chicago \etc.! : Encyclopaedia britannica, c1952 Monografia - Testo a stampa [RAV0152848] 39. Kant, Immanuel The critique of pure reason ; The critique of pratical reason and other ethical treatises ; The critique of judgement / by Immanuel Kant Chicago \etc.! : Encyclopaedia britannica, c1952 Monografia - Testo a stampa [RAV0153016] 40. Rabelais, François Gargantua and Pantagruel / by Francois Rabelais ; translated by Sir Thomas Urquhart and Peter Motteux Chicago \etc.! : Encyclopaedia britannica, c1952 Monografia - Testo a stampa [RAV0153023]